8 minutes past midnight. A good time to write about what I’ve done in March & April 2011. Actually, after writing my January and February summary, I tried to pretend to forget writing this, until @fajarh come to remind me 😛 So, I guess… I can’t get away from posting this LOL
March was a total blast for me. It’s surreal to have 15 days OFF, stopping at these cities: Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Amsterdam and spend time at: Dublin (invited by Enterprise Ireland, Irish Government to represent #StartupLokal community) & Beijing (Invited by @IndoTamasya just to have fun :D). The experiences & lessons were unbelievably precious.
While spending my vacation in Beijing, I met girls who’ve been dealing with travel industry for quite some time. And we chat a lot about education, and turned out we have the same vision about this. Finally I found perfect partner to do that socio-travel thing that I’ve been thinking about all these times. We’re sorting out some details and hopefully can launch our venture together and share the plan with you soon 🙂
The first @bincangedukasi meetup finally happened in Surabaya! One more community event that share concerns & aim to empowering grassroot (social) movements in education. Initiators are: me, Kreshna, Bukik, Dwi, Nanda, and Guntar. I can’t make it to the event but from what I’ve heard, it was a total success. I’m so excited! More info check here >> Bincang Edukasi
On April, #StartupLokal is having 1 year birthday party at XXI & IndoChine, FX. We also launch our book #StartupLokal Kita curated by Rhein Mahatma & Joshua Kevin. In this event, we’ve been helped by volunteers and finally can spot people, who’s done excellent works, to be our apprentice.
Playing role as one of Echelon 2011 Indonesia Satellite judges with bunch of great guys in the industry. I love judging. People suddenly act too nice to me haha.
Because April is Kartini day month, most media talk about women. Chic Magazine said I’m one of The Inspiring Women. Thank you very much! One of the coolest was InfoKomputer select me as 1 of 10 beautiful women in Indonesia IT world. They also put my pic on the cover with other girls. Can’t believe my eyes!
I was invited to the first ASEAN blogger conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Got a lot of insights about blogging in ASEAN. Got to meet and chat with Mahathir Mohamad, and sitting on the same lunch table with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak and chat a lot with his wife. OMG! What a priviledge! One good thing for sure, after series of events abroad, my English (speaking) is improving a lot 😀
I finally got a new channel to address women issues: using my Multiply 😀 Multiply Indonesia assign me as one of their Multiply Friends and I’m free to write what I want. And of course I want to fill my Multiply with posts on how technology can help women become more and more fabulous thru writing and online business.
For my concerns about women, I also get a chance to talk at @atamerica in @TheUrbanMama event, talking about entrepreneurship. Lovely crowd. Moms. I’m not even close to be a mom. But it’s okay. I’m okay!! #notchill :))
TempaLabs release first game for BlackBerry’s PlayBook, called: Animal Choir. We finished it on time and RIM send us a brand new PlayBook for us to play with 😀 We’re consistent in putting the touch of Indonesia in our products, and I believe this time, the mountain shown in the game was one of Indonesian mountains :)) *bricked*
On the lighter note, to neutralized the buzz of life, I manage to jump into economy train, listen to the street musicians, going to a park, lost into the music played by a violinist; while twilight set.
Life is all about balance. And before I knew, I could hear, Rumi poetry, chanting in my ear.
“Let yourself
be silently drawn
by the stronger pull of
what you really love.”– Rumi
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