Hey… it’s that time of the year again, where I have to review my life and create a new year’s resolution.
Tahun 2010 adalah tahun yang penuh kejutan buat saya. Keren lah pokoknya.
The rise of Indonesian digital Startups dengan #StartupLokal community (yang mana saya menjadi salah satu inisiator bersama @NataliArdianto , @Nuniek dan @SaGad ). Event #StartupLokal meetup yang rutin diadakan setiap hari kamis minggu pertama tiap bulannya, membuat pertumbuhan startup bergerak lebih cepat dari yang dibayangkan. Kenapa? Karena efek dari networking yang berhasil dilakukan saat meetup menghasilkan kolaborasi yang kekuatannya seperti bom atom. Semangat startups ini juga diperkuat oleh Sparxup award yang membawa one of my startups, Nulisbuku.com, menjadi pemenang dalam kategori Best e-Commerce padahal usianya baru 1 bulan 😀
Circle of Friends yang semakin luas dan beragam juga menjadi blessing tersendiri buat saya. The introvert me now capable of meeting a lot of people, belajar terus untuk menyempurnakan social skill. Buku-buku favorite saya tentang social skill ini adalah dari Nicholas Boothman. Teman-teman baru saya ini semua high quality people. Highly successful, positive and passionate with what they’re doing. I’m so very grateful to know them.
Tahun ini juga adalah tahun di mana setiap orang yang ketemu saya selalu punya ide bisnis baru untuk dilakukan bersama. Well, happy problem buat saya, because at one point, I have to know my goals priorities. Tahun ini sebenarnya saya punya kesempatan untuk mewujudkan satu mimpi: minum kopi sambil ngeliatin Menara Eiffel dari jauh. But then I thought, kalau saya wujudkan sekarang, terus apa lagi dong tujuan hidup saya hehe. Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menunda mimpi itu. Karena ini bukan saat yang tepat. Saya ingin menikmati prosesnya. It’s the journey, not the destination, they said.
Tentang writing, saya mengeluarkan buku motivasi yang disadur dari kumpulan blog post yang sudah dipilih dan artikel-artikel baru yang saya tulis. Ini genre baru buat saya. Saya menikmatinya. Saya juga baru saja menyelesaikan menulis buku bisnis. Hal baru juga untuk saya. Ber-eksperimen dengan tulisan sekarang semakin mudah dan menyenangkan karena ada sarana untuk menerbitkan buku yang gratis dan mudah, yaitu my own company, Nulisbuku.com 😀 Saya menerbitkan buku how-to yang niche untuk para penulis pemula dan kumpulan short stories saya, yang saya tulis dalam keisengan rasa, di NulisBuku.com. It feels good to know that karya kita dibaca oleh orang lain dan diapresiasi. Make you wanting to write and share your thoughts more. I missed writing fiction though.
iPad has change my reading habit. I can switch and change my reading in a snap without feeling guilty. I can skip pages. I can search on what I really need, fast! And I can highlight and copy then share to twitter, what I’ve just read. I like reading Paulo Coelho books on iPad, so many inspirations I can share with friends on twitter. With Scoop, it’s not too long that I’d start buying local magazine on softcopy.
iPhone has change my life. Change the way I do photography (see my iPhoneography blog). Add my productivity (Sync notes & mobile mind maps). More things can be done and more cool apps available on the store. Talk about revolution!
I love twitter (follow me @salsabeela ). Tahun ini sepertinya tahun terkuat twitter di Indonesia. I can meet a lot of great people hanya dari mention di twitter. I can inspire and drive people with twitter. I can be part of something good, with twitter. For us, twitter is so powerful, it can even change life!
In terms of fashion & beauty, I lost 10 kgs and successfully dropped few sizes (LangsingMulus.com for more info :p). At first, I still use my old baggy clothes, and then I realized, I really need to refresh my look. I start shopping new outfits. What I find amusing is that fashion is simple. All you need is to be different, and you’re chic already. Pick one fashion statement that will shout out loud when you’re walking. Accessories, matters. Layering always boost your look. And by looking good, you already have 50% chance to be heard. So, better dress well. The truth indeed hurts: you’re judged by your cover!
In 2011…
Expect myself to grow my book empire with new plans for Kutukutubuku.com, growing Nulisbuku.com to the next level (we have some coolest plan) and working on my new startup about books with the smartest CTOs @tista and @sagad also building my writing startups, this time I partnered with the phenomenon @RadityaDika . This will be exciting!
I want to pursue my passion in life experiment with joining Mbak @AlberthieneE in her upcoming project. Looking forward to it!
A new writing challenge for me this year is to write a biography book! I really admire Mbak @AlberthieneE for all her extraordinary biography books (and of course astonished by how much she earned from the books hehehe). I planned to learn more from her in 2011. Hopefully she would like to accept me as her student *bow* I also plan to write more philosophic novels. It’s about time.
Indonesian Startups will kicking more and more in 2011. Me and #StartupLokal inisiators had some plan regarding investors relation and we’re ready to launch a new variant of #StartupLokal events. Make sure you’ll be part of it!
I’m having concern over women issues that I’m going to look more in 2011. I want to empower women, so they can be more creative, have options in life and eventually raise their children to be the best generation to build the world. This can be done by throwing events special for women. Been talk about it with @anantya and hopefully we could make it happen in 2011.
Community building will be compulsory. Have plan to create writers & readers community as well.
Everybody is coming back to true self and wanting to do good deeds. So that’s why traveling will be more than just having fun. It should have a social impact. It should be meaningful. Eco-tourism and social-travel plans will be on everybody’s list. I’m having some thoughts and plans about making my own travel business. Hopefully would found a good partner next year 🙂
Apps will be sexier. iPhone. Android. Your call. My game studio company, TempaLabs, will focus on making mobile games with a little taste of Indonesia’s culture in it. Going regional or global is also a very widely open opportunity this time. I have plan to make some apps as well for my statups. Experience, for our members, means everything.
Freelancers unite, more some sort of hackerspace will be around. Interested to build one myself in Depok maybe 😀
Thanks to Onrop, musical theatre will also growing big next year. Reminding me that I need to spare my time to watch art performance more often. GKJ. TIM. Somewhere at Kemayoran. Hm! Calling all my artsy buddies!
I could go on… and on… so I will have to finish the post now. For me, 2011 will be exciting, full of passion, glowing spiritually and surrounded with the love energy.
How about you? What’s your plan?
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