I have come a long way to success and am ready to help you achieve the same.

My Previous Life

Shy Kid

Yes, I do believe that my life is divided into two parts. Previos life is before I realized how to be happy and enjoy my life. At school I was shy, nervos and timid child, I didn’t have a lot of friend and stayed out noisy parties. As a result I had quite a lot of free time to study hard, what I actually did. That helped me to enter Columbia University. During my university years I studied, read a lot of books and worked as a waiter.  I had a couple of friends to hang out with and that was my routine.


I was asked to give a speech from a graduating student’s perspective. I have never given a public speech to so much people before and was very nervos. My friend said to me ‘fake it until you make it’ and I started my preparation. I wrote the speech and practiced every day for a couple of month, I was definitely going outside my comfort zone. When the day X has come, I was still nervous but over-prepared.

When in doubt, choose change.


I faked it until I made it. The speech was accepted by the audience very well, I was proud of making it. That was the day when I realized that everything is possible and all you need is to work hard, clearly see the final goal and every day make at least small step towards it. After graduation I worked for a couple of big banks and companies and continued to give speeches about my experience, life and business. After that I found my startup Big Fish, found investors, created successful business model and sold it.


Today I’m financially independent, happily married,  travel a lot and leadershiping. I believe that my mission today is to teach as many people as I can how to succeed in life, how to be happy and live every single day with a purpose. Believe me, it isn’t hard and reading my story is already a forst step. Congratulations! You are on the right way, Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers!

Life Coaching

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My name is Aulia Halimatussadiah, my friends and readers call me Ollie, BUT I’m changing it to LLIA and in online world you know me as @salsabeela.

I’m a founder and Chief Content Officer at Zetta Media, a digital media network running 10 lifestyle portals for Indonesian youth. I’m a writer of 28 books. I have a great passion for reading and writing.

When I was 23 years old, I quit my job as a web developer to run my first business, an online bookstore.

In 2010, my partners & I create NulisBuku.com, the first online self-publishing print on demand platform in Indonesia. Our community and members grow to more than 150,000 aspiring writers all over Indonesia. We’re growing and building a new platform for writers to write per chapter and collaborate with their writing with Storial.co.

As a commitment to society, I help organize meetups of the biggest digital startup community in Indonesia, StartupLokal and try to convert more girls to use technology as the catalyst of their success via Girls in Tech Indonesia. Check our #WomenWin program, an idea competition to nurture success stories in women and technology and also our latest program #WhyNot, working together with Facebook, Clevio, Makedonia and Zetta Media, creating a series of meetups, workshops and mentoring dinners for girls with #WhyNot attitude of success.

I make time to write daily journal, schedule my time to travel the world and review spa destinations in my free time.

Contact me auliah5 at gmail dot com to collaborate and create amazing stuff together

Awards & Recognition:

Marketeers Youth Women Netizen Award 2016

10 Successful Female Tech Startup Founders in Indonesia – Tech in Asia

Kartini Next Generation Special Award 2013, Inspiring Woman in ICT – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Republic Indonesia, April 2013

Top 10 Woman in Indonesia IT World by InfoKomputer Magazine – April 2011

5 Geek Girls in Asia to Look out for by Girls in Tech (USA) – February 2012

One of 50 Inspiring People by Intisari Magazine – August 2012

I can help you to:

  • Highlight your brand’s message with a refreshing viral content at 10 portals of Zetta Media
  • Connect your brand and create engagement with Indonesia Book Club, Jakarta Book ClubNulis Buku Club, and Storial‘s 500,000 readers and writers community all over Indonesia
  • Organize writing workshops
  • Create contents (copywrite, writing biography and creative non-fiction books, blog posts, articles)
  • Become your writing coach, get your ideas into words and help you get your books done
  • Become your mentor on building and launching your startup
  • Become your life coach and showing you path to creativity and productivity
  • Plan a social media, community and content strategy
  • Plan and organize your Corporate Social Responsibility programs
  • Create concept and build games on web and mobile platforms
  • Do products review and sponsored posts on Salsabeela.com and @salsabeela especially on travel industry (hotels, tours, airlines, spas), beauty & fashion and technology & gadgets
  • Collaboration and partnership in writing, publishing, community development, technology like mobile apps, ecommerce and games industry
  • Accommodate your support to non-profit organization StartupLokal
  • Accommodate your support to non-profit organization Girls in Tech Indonesia
  • Social activities related to education & women specific topics especially on women in technology
  • Public speaking, seminars & talkshows around self-development, entrepreneurship and creative writing
  • Any form of opportunities and mutual partnerships
  • If you’re a woman with passion and goals that align with my expertise, I can personally mentor you and you will be on my circle of Amazing Woman Club

Contact me here or email me auliah5@gmail.com

More About Ollie

I was born in Yogyakarta (Indonesia), June 17. I’m the eldest of 3 and the only daughter of my parents.


Bachelor Degree, Information Technology major

Books I wrote (check the covers here)

Look! I’m on Fire
Je M’appelle Lintang
Mengaku Rasul
Burung-Burung Kertas
Membuat Toko Online dengan Multiply
Tak Tik Blog : Cara Bikin Blog, Paling Tokcer, Cepat Populer
Finding Soulmate For Mei
Panduan Praktis Mendesain Template Joomla! (+ CD)
Katakan Cinta
Trik Membuat Tampilan BLOG Lebih Menarik
After The Honeymoon – Drama Baru Dimulai Seusai Pesta
Tak Tik Top
Makeover Template Joomla
Cinta: Sebuah Rumah untuk Hatimu
Sang Kurator
Easy Biz
Thinking of You
Pelangi (short story)
E-Love Story (short story)
22 hari bercerita (short story)
@linimas(s)a (article on social media)
Cerita Sahabat
Creative Blog Writing
Yes, You Can!
Girls & Tech
The Power in You
Passport to Happiness
Done is Better than Perfect